Cathy Olynyk – Secretary

I was born and raised in Toronto and diagnosed with sensory-neural hearing loss in both ears at age 30 months.  I started wearing body hearing aids soon after the diagnosis.  My education started at age 4 in an oral deaf school where sign language was not allowed.  Because I am hard of hearing, I was able to progress to the regular public school for grades 3 & 4 that was next to the deaf school.  Eventually, I left the deaf school entirely and entered the public school system in my neighbourhood beginning at grade 5.

After completing high school, I started university and then attended Ryerson Poly-technical Institute for my Registered Nurses’ training.  Later, I completed my B.Sc.N. at Laurentian University.  For 35 years, I specialized in mental health and psychiatry in hospitals and communities having worked in Toronto, Victoria, Nunavut and The Pas, MB.  I retired from nursing 5 years ago and still live in The Pas with my 4 cats and 1 dog.

I became involved with CHHA almost from the very beginning when I attended its first major conference in Toronto in 1983.  While in Victoria, I was very involved with the Branch there and served on the Board of Directors during the 1990’s.  Over the years, I have attended numerous National CHHA Conferences all over the country.

I am very pleased to be involved with CHHA once again, in Manitoba.  Having meetings on Zoom has allowed me and others to participate.