Join Us

CHHA Manitoba Chapter is committed to creating awareness of hearing loss to ensure that hard of hearing Manitobans have access to needed services. Through its programs of advocacy and education our chapter assists persons with hearing loss to meet the many challenges of hearing at home, work, and when meeting socially with family and friends. Come join us.

Membership Benefits

  1. Be part of a national organization that advocates for consumer rights on behalf of the hard of the hearing community, and lobbies government for funding and services to support the needs of people with hearing loss.
  2. Receive the Manitoba chapter’s quarterly newsletter, as well as regular communications from CHHA National.
  3. Attend meetings and lectures on subjects of interest to hard of hearing people. Meetings are supported by Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) or Note Taking services to enable full participation of those with hearing loss
  4. Share your experience and knowledge with others who are hard of hearing
  5. Learn from other members about additional information and resources for hard of hearing individuals
  6. Become involved in chapter activities in a safe and comfortable environment for people with hearing loss

When you register on-line, please be sure to click on the PayPal button where you can provide your PayPal account number or credit card information so that your application can be processed. 

Membership Registration














    Individual  $40.00

    Family  $60.00
    Student  $30.00
    Non-Profit Organization$130.00

    To renew by postal mail, click this link for the  CHHA membership form 2017 which you can then print, fill out and mail with your payment to: