How We Use Your Donations

Donations support our chapter in program delivery to hard of hearing Manitobans, and help cover our operating expenses, such as office space for volunteer workers, equipment storage, and newsletter production. (CHHA Manitoba Chapter has no paid staff.) While a small portion of each membership fee remains in Manitoba, a larger portion supports our association at the national level. CHHA Manitoba is a non-profit charitable organization, Charitable Business Registration No. 131620742 RR0001.

A major ongoing expense is the provision of Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) or Note Taking services at both our general meetings and board meetings, as well as the cost of maintaining and insuring our specialized amplification and projection equipment. CART service employs a stenographer specialist, using a machine-shorthand computer program similar to a court-reporter system.  Note Taking service is provided by stenographers who type very quickly to capture and/or paraphrase what is said.  Both systems employ computer-projection equipment so that hard of hearing members are able to read what is said, allowing for full participation in meetings and educational programs.

Donations are welcome at any time, for any reason. Some donations are memorial tributes given at the request of a loved one’s family, or given to mark a special occasion such as an anniversary or recognize a special achievement such as graduation. Donations may be made by cheque sent through the mail , on-line through, a secure web site that processes credit-card donations on behalf of Canadian charities, or through planned giving.  Click here to go to our on-line donations page:  How-to-donate-on-line/.  If sending your donation by mail, please make your cheque payable to Manitoba Chapter of the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association, and mail to:

Manitoba Chapter of the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association
c/o SMD Clearinghouse
2nd floor, 825 Sherbrook Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3A 1M5

CHHA Manitoba is most grateful for donations, and will ensure that donors receive a tax receipt. If you make a memorial or tribute gift, CHHA will send an acknowledgement letter so that people will know you have made a donation in their name, or the name of their loved one.