On Monday October 3rd CHHA Manitoba received word that it’s grant proposal was approved and the Manitoba Chapter will be receiving a $4000. donation from the CHHA Foundation to help move forward with its project “Loop to HEAR Winnipeg”‘
The CHHA Foundation is a registered charitable fundraising organization, that supports the activities and programs of the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association (CHHA). CHHA Manitoba is grateful for this generous donation which will enable them to implement the project Loop to HEAR Winnipeg.
The Loop to HEAR Winnipeg is a project that CHHA Manitoba plans to implement to increase awareness and the benefits of the loop system. The planned system is portable, enabling setup at various venues, such as presentations and classes in order to demonstrate the value of improved communication. CHHA Manitoba Chapter believes that after seeing the system in operation members of the public will willingly advocate for wider distribution of loop systems in public venues.
Congratulations to all the people on the Grant Committee who worked so hard getting this proposal in and approved, great job!